Zscaler report reveals surge in mobile cyberthreats
Zscaler has released its ThreatLabz 2024 Mobile, IoT, and OT Threat Report, identifying over 200 malicious applications in the Google Play Store, with more than 8 million collective installations, highlighting the urgent need for organisations to reassess the security of these devices.
The report underscores the persistent risk posed by mobile threats, with mobile security remaining a significant concern for organisations worldwide.
According to the findings, spyware has seen a 111% increase, while banking malware has grown by 29% year over year. These trends indicate that cyberattacks have become increasingly profitable for threat actors, who exploit stolen personal information and user credentials for direct extortion or future attacks.
An example is the Anatsa malware, which targets Android users with banking malware by utilising PDF and QR code readers to distribute itself. Anatsa has already targeted over 650 financial institutions, exploiting sensitive banking credentials and financial information, particularly affecting users in Germany, Spain, Finland, South Korea, and Singapore.
Deepen Desai, Chief Security Officer at Zscaler, commented, "Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting legacy exposed assets which often act as a beachhead to IoT & OT environments, resulting in data breaches and ransomware attacks. Mobile malware and AI-driven vishing attacks add to that list making it critical for CISOs and CIOs to prioritise an AI-powered zero trust solution to shut down attack vectors of all kinds, safeguarding against these attacks."
Eric Swift, Vice President & Managing Director, ANZ at Zscaler, noted, "The cyberthreat landscape is constantly evolving and mobile and IoT devices are becoming a major challenge for organisations and a significant opportunity for cybercriminals.
These devices have become more difficult to protect as the threats, like mobile malware and botnets, are becoming more sophisticated. The rise in mobile and bring your own device (BYOD) connectivity in enterprises has significantly increased the attack surface making a proactive Zero Trust approach critical to organisations."
ThreatLabz identified a trend where threat actors are leveraging popular brands to launch phishing campaigns targeting mobile shoppers during the holiday season. There have been observable spikes in phishing, malware, and scam campaigns around major events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
The technology, education, and manufacturing sectors are amongst the most susceptible to attacks.
The education sector experienced a 136% increase in blocked transactions compared to the previous year, and manufacturing continues to have the highest volume of IoT malware attacks, accounting for 36% of all IoT malware blocks observed on the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange platform.
Additionally, the United States remains the top country for IoT cyberattacks, accounting for 81% of IoT device traffic. Other nations frequently targeted by mobile malware include India, the United States, Canada, South Africa, and the Netherlands.
The report further highlighted the security vulnerabilities of legacy and end-of-life operating systems in OT systems, which have become increasingly integrated with enterprise networks, expanding the potential attack surface and increasing the risk of lateral movement within networks.
With the shift towards hybrid-work environments, Zscaler recommends organisations adopt a zero trust architecture that enables secure remote access and protects IoT devices against compromise, while supporting seamless access to applications across any location.