SecurityBrief India - Technology news for CISOs & cybersecurity decision-makers

Jornt van der Wiel stories


Jornt van der Wiel is a noted cybersecurity expert and author who has extensively documented the latest cyber threats and ransomware trends. His work underscores the pressing need for heightened vigilance and robust security measures in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

In his recent columns, Jornt has highlighted the discovery of FakeSG, Akira, and AMOS by Kaspersky, shedding light on these dangerous cross-platform threats. His insights provide valuable information on the evolving tactics of cybercriminals.

Jornt has also brought attention to the malicious ransomware group Luna, uncovered by Kaspersky researchers. This ransomware group's focus on cross-platform functionality illustrates the growing sophistication and reach of cyber threats today. Jornt's thorough analysis emphasizes the importance of staying ahead in the fight against ransomware and other cyber hazards.
